Originally based out of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, now doing business in Olds, Alberta - Planet Hi-Fi is family owned and operated here to rescue, restore and revive your vintage hi-fidelity audio equipment, giving it a longer life so that you don't have to say goodbye so soon.
We understand the value of good sound and the sentimental value that can live within each piece of equipment. We are dedicated to helping reduce the unnecessary amount of hi-fi audio that ends up in the landfill or scrapped by recyclers by reviving your favorite
hi-fidelity equipment. All while creating a renewed source of sound.
Our high quality work, pride, passion plus our experienced audio technicians will make every effort to give vintage audio equipment a second chance, at an affordable price to our customers.
Planet Hi-Fi is here for audio enthusiasts of all ages, beginners and audiophiles. We are passionate about supporting the audio community and keeping the hi-fi culture alive.